Posting an ad on is simple! Just create an account, click on the 'Post Your Ad' button, choose the category that best fits your product or service, fill in the required details, upload clear images, and submit your ad. Your listing will be live once it passes our moderation process.
Posting a basic ad on is free! However, if you want to increase visibility and attract more buyers, we offer premium listing options at affordable rates. These include features like highlighting your ad, placing it at the top of search results, or promoting it on our homepage.
To edit or delete your ad, log in to your account, go to 'My Ads,' and select the ad you wish to modify or remove. Click the 'Edit' button to make changes or the 'Delete' button to remove your ad from the platform.
At, we prioritize the safety of our users. We have strict moderation processes, secure communication channels, and guidelines to help you avoid scams. We recommend meeting in public places for transactions, verifying items before payment, and reporting any suspicious activity to our support team.
If you face any issues with a buyer or seller, you can report the problem to our customer support team through the 'Report' button on the ad or by contacting us directly. We'll investigate the issue and take appropriate action to ensure a safe and fair experience for all users.